
[Publication Type] Publication Name (Number of Research Items Associated with the Publication)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


[Conference] AAAI 2018: Fourteenth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (1)

[Journal] Academic Quarter| Akademisk kvarter (1)

[Conference] ACE ’06: ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (1)

[Journal] Acta Ludologica (4)

[Journal] Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies (2)

[Journal] Addictive Behaviors (1)

[Journal] Advances in Archaeological Practice (2)

[Journal] AECT 2018: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (1)

[Conference] AIIDE 2015: Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (1)

[Journal] Alphabet: A Biannual Academic Journal on Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies (1)

[Journal] Amerasia Journal (2)

[Journal] American Literature (3)

[Journal] AMP: American Music Perspectives (1)

[Book] Analyzing Digital Fiction (1)

[Journal] Angles: New Perspectives on the Anglophone World (1)

[Journal] Animation (1)

[Conference] Annual American Men’s Studies Association Conference (1)

[Journal] Architecture and Planning Journal (1)

[Journal] Arts (1)

[Conference] ArtsIT 2022: ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation (2)

[Repository] arXiv (4)

[Journal] Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, The (1)

[Journal] ASIEN: The German Journal on Contemporary Asia (1)


[Journal] Baltic Screen Media Review (2)

[Journal] Barnboken: Tidskrift för Barnlitteraturforskning (1)

[Book] BioShock and Philosophy: Irrational Game, Rational Book (1)

[Journal] Body & Society (1)

[Book] Boundaries of Self and Reality Online (1)

[Journal] Bowdoin Journal of Cinema (1)

[Journal] Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society (3)

[Journal] Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov (1)


[Book] CALL Theory Applications for Online TESOL Education (1)

[Journal] Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies (3)

[Journal] Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies (1)

[Conference] CHI ’19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019 (1)

[Conference] CHI ’23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2023 (1)

[Conference] CHI EA ’19: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (1)

[Conference] CHI EA ’21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (1)

[Conference] CHI PLAY’19: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (1)

[Conference] CHI PLAY ’22: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (1)

[Journal] Children’s Geographies (1)

[Book] Children’s Literature and Intergenerational Relationships: Encounters of the Playful Kind (1)

[Journal] Chinese Creative Writing Studies (1)

[Journal] Christian Education Journal (1)

[Journal] Cinema Journal (1)

[Conference] CoG 2019: IEEE Conference on Games (2)

[Journal] Cognitive Development (1)

[Journal] Collabra: Psychology (1)

[Journal] Communication, Culture and Critique (1)

[Journal] Computer Assisted Language Learning (1)

[Journal] Computer Games Journal, The (3)

[Journal] Computers & Education (1)

[Journal] Computers in Human Behavior Reports (1)

[Journal] Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences (1)

[Journal] Contemporary Justice Review (1)

[Book] Contemporary Research on Intertextuality in Video Games (1)

[Book] Context Matters! (1)

[Book] Controversial Images: Media Representations on the Edge (1)

[Journal] Continuum (3)

[Journal] Convergence (6)

[Journal] Corpora (1)

[Journal] CounterText (1)

[Conference] CSCW’22 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2022 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (1)

[Book] Ctrl-Alt-Play: Essays on Control in Video Gaming (1)

[Book] Cultural Perspectives of Video Games: From Designer to Player (1)

[Book] Culture at Play: How Video Games Influence and Replicate Our World (1)

[Journal] Current Issues in Tourism (1)

[Journal] Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (3)

[Journal] Cyberpsychology & Behavior (1)

[Journal] Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2)

[Book] Cyberpunk and Visual Culture (2)


[Book] Data Analytics Applications in Gaming and Entertainment (1)

[Book] Death, Culture & Leisure: Playing Dead (1)

[Journal] Dichtung Digital: Journal für Kunst und Kultur digitaler Medien (1)

[Journal] Diegesis (1)

[Book] Digital Black Atlantic, The (1)

[Book] Digital Cultures and the Politics of Emotion: Feelings, Affect, and Technological Change (1)

[Book] Digital Love: Romance and Sexuality in Videogames (1)

[Journal] Digital Translation (1)

[Book] Digital Virtual Consumption (1)

[Conference] DiGRA 2005, Proceedings of (1)

[Conference] DiGRA 2013, Proceedings of (3)

[Conference] DiGRA 2017, Proceedings of (2)

[Conference] DiGRA 2018, Proceedings of (4)

[Conference] DiGRA 2019, Proceedings of (1)

[Conference] DiGRA 2020, Proceedings of (5)

[Conference] DiGRA/FDG ’16 – Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG (5)

[Journal] Discourse, Context & Media (2)

[Journal] Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education (1)

[Journal] Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory (1)

[Journal] Divergence Press (1)

[Conference] DUXU 2016: International Conference of Design User Experience and Usability (1)


[Conference] ECGBL 2021 15th European Conference on Game-Based Learning (1)

[Journal] Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature Culture and Environment (1)

[Book] EdMedia + Innovate Learning (1)

[Journal] Educational Media International (1)

[Book] Educational Tales of the Unexpected: Children and Creativity (1)

[Journal] Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture (9)

[Encyclopedia] Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games (7)

[Book] Engaging with Videogames: Play, Theory, and Practice (2)

[Journal] English in Australia (1)

[Book] English Teaching: Practice & Critique (1)

[Journal] Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space (1)

[Journal] Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (1)

[Journal] Ethics and Information Technology (1)

[Book] Ethics of Playing, Researching, and Teaching Games in the Writing Classroom, The (2)

[Journal] European Journal of American Studies (4)

[Journal] European Journal of Criminology (1)

[Journal] European Journal of Science and Theology (1)

[Book] Examining the Evolution of Gaming and Its Impact on Social, Cultural, and Political Perspectives (2)


[Journal] F1000Research (2)

[Conference] FDG ’17: The 12th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (3)

[Conference] FDG ’18: The 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (4)

[Conference] FDG ’20: The 15th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (1)

[Conference] FDG ’21: The 16th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (1)

[Conference] FDG ’22: The 17th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (2)

[Conference] FDG ’23: The 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (1)

[Journal] Feminist Media Studies (2)

[Journal] Feminist Theory (1)

[Journal] Framing Uncertainty (1)

[Book] Frontiers of Cyberspace (1)

[Journal] Frontiers of Narrative Studies (1)

[Journal] Frontiers in Psychology (2)


[Journal] Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies (1)

[Journal] Galáxia (1)

[Journal] GAME – Games as Art Media Entertainment (3)

[Book] Game Devs & Others (1)

[Journal] Game Studies (34)

[Book] Game User Experience and Player-Centered Design (5)

[Conference] GAME-ON’2022: 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (1)

[Journal] Game| World| Architectonics (2)

[Journal] Games and Culture (94)

[Book] Games and Ethics: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Ethical Questions in Digital Game Cultures (1)

[Book] Games and Narrative: Theory and Practice (5)

[Book] Games, Learning, and Society: Learning and Meaning in the Digital Age (1)

[Book] Games and Play in the Creative, Smart and Ecological City (1)

[Journal] gamevironments (11)

[Book] Global Perspectives on Digital Literature (1)

[Book] Globalization and Planetary Ethics (1)

[Journal] Gothic Studies (1)

[Book] Great War and the Moving Image, The (1)

[Journal] Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity (1)


[Book] Handbook of Research on Cross-Disciplinary Uses of Gamification in Organizations (1)

[Book] Handbook of Research on Integrating Technology Into Contemporary Language Learning and Teaching (1)

[Book] Handbook of Research on Transmedia Storytelling and Narrative Strategies (1)

[Journal] Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, The (1)

[Conference] HCI International 2014 (1)

[Conference] HCII 2019: 21st HCI International Conference (1)

[Conference] HCII 2020: 22nd HCI International Conference (1)

[Conference] HCII 2023: 25th HCI International Conference (2)

[Journal] History & Memory (1)

[Journal] History and Theory (1)

[Book] Horror Video Games: Essays on the Fusion of Fear and Play (1)

[Conference] HT ’19: Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (1)

[Journal] Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies (1)

[Journal] Human IT: Journal for Information Technology Studies as a Human Science (1)

[Journal] Human-Machine Communication (1)

[Journal] Humanities (2)

[Journal] Humanity & Society (2)

[Book] Humanity in Cybernetic Environments (1)


[Conference] ICEC 2006: Entertainment Computing (1)

[Conference] ICEC 2022: Entertainment Computing (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2008: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2011: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2018: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2019: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2020: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] IE ’13: Proceedings of The 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (2)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2009 (1)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2010 (1)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2013 (1)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2016 (1)

[Journal] Implicit Religion (2)

[Journal] In die Skriflig (1)

[Book] Indie Games in the Digital Age (1)

[Journal] Information (1)

[Journal] Information Communication & Society (1)

[Journal] Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (1)

[Conference] INTED2023: 17th International Technology Education and Development Conference (1)

[Journal] Interactive Film & Media Journal (1)

[Journal] Interlitteraria (1)

[Book] Intermedia Games—Games Inter Media: Video Games and Intermediality (1)

[Conference] International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science 2015 (1)

[Conference] International Conference on Interactive Digital Narratives (1)

[Journal] International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Entrepreneurship (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Game-Based Learning (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Heritage Studies (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Pedagogies & Learning (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Transmedia Literacy (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Virtual Reality (1)

[Journal] International Public History (1)

[Journal] International Research in Children’s Literature (1)

[Book] Introducing Japanese Popular Culture (1)

[Conference] INTETAIN 2016: Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (1)

[Journal] Issues in Information Systems (1)

[Conference] ISUF2021: International Seminar on Urban Form (1)

[Conference] ITS 2018: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (1)

[Conference] IWANN 2017: International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (1)


[Journal] JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (2)

[Journal] JMIR Mental Health (1)

[Journal] Journal for Religion, Film, and Media (2)

[Journal] Journal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia (1)

[Journal] Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance (1)

[Journal] Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology (1)

[Journal] Journal of American Folklore (1)

[Journal] Journal of Art and Civilization of the Orient (1)

[Journal] Journal of Chinese Cinemas (1)

[Journal] Journal of Cognitive Enhancement (1)

[Journal] Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology (1)

[Journal] Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (1)

[Journal] Journal of Consumer Culture (1)

[Journal] Journal of Contemporary European Studies (1)

[Journal] Journal of Digital Convergence (1)

[Journal] Journal of Education (1)

[Journal] Journal of Educational Technology & Society (1)

[Journal] Journal of Financial Education (1)

[Journal] Journal of Games Criticism (1)

[Journal] Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds (20)

[Journal] Journal of Information Systems Education (1)

[Journal] Journal of Interactive Books (1)

[Journal] Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies (1)

[Journal] Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications (1)

[Journal] Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, The (1)

[Journal] Journal of Risk and Financial Management (1)

[Journal] Journal of Rural Studies (1)

[Journal] Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (1)

[Journal] Journal of Screenwriting (1)

[Journal] Journal of Sound and Music in Games (5)

[Journal] Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (1)

[Journal] Journal of Transformative Works and Cultures (1)

[Journal] Journal on Interactive Systems (1)


[Journal] KES Transactions on Innovation in Music (1)

[Journal] Kinephanos: Journal of Media Studies and Popular Culture (2)

[Book] Krankheit in Digitalen Spielen: Interdisziplinäre Betrachtungen (1)


[Journal] Language Related Research (1)

[Journal] Learning, Media and Technology (1)

[Journal] Lebende Sprachen (1)

[Journal] Leisure Studies (1)

[Journal] Leviathan: Interdisciplinary Journal in English (1)

[Journal] Loading… (5)

[Book] Love and Electronic Affection (1)


[Book] Machinima Reader, The (1)

[Journal] Magazine Stichting (1)

[Journal] Manga Cultures and the Female Gaze (1)

[Journal] Mankind Quarterly (1)

[Journal] Marvels & Tales (1)

[Journal] Masculinities in Play (2)

[Book] Meaning and Culture of Grand Theft Auto: Critical Essays, The (1)

[Journal] Media Education Journal (1)

[Journal] Media Fields Journal (1)

[Book] Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft, The (1)

[Journal] Metaphor and the Social World (1)

[Book] Modern Approaches to the Visualization of Landscapes (1)

[Journal] Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom (1)

[Journal] Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (1)

[Journal] Monstrum (1)

[Book] Music in the Role-Playing Game (3)

[Book] Music in Video Games (2)

[Journal] Music Theory Online (2)

[Journal] Music Theory Spectrum (1)

[Book] Music Video Games: Performance Politics and Play (1)


[Book] Narrative Theory, Literature, and New Media: Narrative Minds and Virtual Worlds (1)

[Journal] Near Eastern Archaeology (2)

[Journal] Neo-Victorian Studies (1)

[Book] New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic (1)

[Book] New Directions in Popular Fiction (1)

[Book] New Forms of Space and Spatiality in Science Fiction (1)

[Journal] New Horizons in English Studies (1)

[Journal] New Media & Society (1)

[Journal] New Review of Film and Television Studies (1)

[Book] New Urban Gothic: Global Gothic in the Age of the Anthropocene, The (2)

[Book] New Vistas in Language Studies: Young Scholars’ Perspectives ATENA 2 (1)

[Conference] Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (1)

[Book] Nordic Gothic (1)


[Journal] Online-Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet (3)

[Journal] Open Library in Humanities (1)

[Journal] ORBIT Journal, The (1)

[Conference] OzCHI ’18: The 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (1)


[Book] Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy, The (1)

[Journal] Panoptikum (1)

[Journal] Paradoxa (1)

[Journal] Parallax (2)

[Journal] PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research (1)

[Journal] People and Nature (1)

[Journal] Philosophy and Literature (1)

[Conference] Philosophy of Computer Games Conference 2016 (1)

[Conference] Philosophy of Computer Games Conference 2018 (1)

[Journal] Play/Write Student Journal (1)

[Book] Playing the Field: Video Games and American Studies (1)

[Book] Playing with the Past: Digital Games and the Simulation of History (2)

[Journal] Political Geography (1)

[Book] Politics in Fantasy Media: Essays on Ideology and Gender in Fiction, Film, Television, and Games (1)

[Book] Pops in Pop Culture: Fatherhood Masculinity and the New Man (1)

[Journal] Postmodern Openings (1)

[Journal] Press Start (2)

[Journal] Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences (1)

[Journal] Psychology of Violence (1)

[Journal] PURE Insights (1)


[Journal] Queerness in Play (2)


[Journal] Reading Dickens Differently (1)

[Journal] ReCALL (1)

[Journal] Religions (3)

[Book] Religious Stories in Transformation: Conflict, Revision and Reception (1)

[Journal] Replay: The Polish Journal of Game Studies (1)

[Journal] Rethinking History (1)

[Journal] Review of Communication (1)

[Journal] Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies (1)

[Journal] Review of Science, Mathematics, and ICT Education (1)

[Journal] Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (1)


[Book] Savegame: Agency, Design, Engineering (1)

[Journal] Science as Culture (1)

[Journal] Scientific Reports (1)

[Book] Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes (1)

[Journal] Semina: Ciências Sociais e Humanas (1)

[Conference] Senses 2019: UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference Senses & Sensibility (1)

[Journal] Sexuality & Culture (1)

[Journal] Simulation & Gaming (2)

[Book] Social Construction of Landscapes in Games, The (1)

[Conference] Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (1)

[Journal] Soundtrack, The (3)

[Journal] Southwestern Journal of Theology (1)

[Repository] SSRN (1)

[Journal] Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies (1)

[Journal] Studia Humanistyczne AGH (1)

[Journal] Studies in Eastern European Cinema (2)

[Journal] Studies in Gothic Fiction (1)

[Journal] Studies in Popular Culture (1)

[Book] Suicide and the Gothic (1)

[Journal] Surveillance & Society (1)

[Book] Sustainable Media (1)

[Book] Sustainable Tourism Development (1)

[Journal] Synthesis: an Anglophone Journal of Comparative Literary Studies (1)


[Journal] Teaching Children Mathematics (1)

[Book] Teaching the Middle Ages through Modern Games (1)

[Journal] Technical Communication Quarterly (1)

[Journal] Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2)

[Journal] Television & New Media (1)

[Journal] Theoria et Historia Scientiarum (1)

[Journal] Theory & Research in Social Education (1)

[Journal] THINK Magazine (1)

[Journal] Trace Journal (1)

[Journal] Transformative Works and Cultures (1)

[Book] Trauma in American Popular Culture and Cult Texts (1)

[Journal] TRT Akademi (1)


[Book] Video Game Art Reader (1)

[Book] Video Game Chronotopes and Social Justice: Playing on the Threshold (1)

[Book] Video Games and Comedy (1)

[Book] Video Games and Spatiality in American Studies (3)

[Book] Video Games, Crime and Next-Gen Deviance: Reorienting the Debate (1)

[Book] Videogame Cultures and the Future of Interactive Entertainment (1)

[Conference] Videojogos 2018: 10th Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts (1)

[Book] Virtual Dark Tourism (1)

[Journal] Visual Communication (1)

[Journal] Virtual Sociocultural Convergence (1)

[Conference] VJ 2019: Videogame Sciences and Arts (1)


[Book] Walking with A/r/tography (2)

[Book] Well Played 1.0: Video Games Value and Meaning (1)

[Book] Well Played 2.0: Video Games Value and Meaning (1)

[Journal] Well Played Journal (3)

[Book] What Is a Game?: Essays on the Nature of Videogames (1)

[Journal] Wide Screen (1)

[Book] Women and Gaming: The Sims and 21st Century Learning (Monograph)

[Book] Writing and the Digital Generation: Essays on New Media Rhetoric (1)

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