Publications I

[Publication Type] Publication Name (Number of Research Items Associated with the Publication)

Browse by the first letter of the publication’s name.

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[Conference] ICEC 2006: Entertainment Computing (1)

[Conference] ICEC 2022: Entertainment Computing (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2008: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2011: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2018: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2019: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] ICIDS 2020: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (1)

[Conference] IE ’13: Proceedings of The 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (2)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence 2018 (1)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2009 (1)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2010 (1)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2013 (1)

[Conference] IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2016 (1)

[Journal] Implicit Religion (2)

[Journal] In die Skriflig (1)

[Book] Indie Games in the Digital Age (1)

[Journal] Information (1)

[Journal] Information Communication & Society (1)

[Journal] Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (1)

[Conference] INTED2023: 17th International Technology Education and Development Conference (1)

[Journal] Interactive Film & Media Journal (1)

[Journal] Interlitteraria (1)

[Book] Intermedia Games—Games Inter Media: Video Games and Intermediality (1)

[Conference] International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science 2015 (1)

[Conference] International Conference on Interactive Digital Narratives (1)

[Journal] International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Entrepreneurship (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Game-Based Learning (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Heritage Studies (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Pedagogies & Learning (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Transmedia Literacy (1)

[Journal] International Journal of Virtual Reality (1)

[Journal] International Public History (1)

[Journal] International Research in Children’s Literature (1)

[Book] Introducing Japanese Popular Culture (1)

[Conference] INTETAIN 2016: Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (1)

[Journal] Issues in Information Systems (1)

[Conference] ISUF2021: International Seminar on Urban Form (1)

[Conference] ITS 2018: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (1)

[Conference] IWANN 2017: International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (1)

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