The Path

The Path is a psychological horror art game developed by Tale of Tales originally released for the Microsoft Windows operating system on March 18, 2009, in English and Dutch, and later ported to Mac OS X by TransGaming Technologies. Wikipedia

The Path
The Path

Research exclusive to this game

Ensslin, Astrid. “Playing with Rather than by the Rules: Metaludicity, Allusive Fallacy, and Illusory Agency in The Path” Analyzing Digital Fiction (2013): 75.

Pelurson, Gaspard. “Flânerie in the dark woods: Shattering innocence and queering time in The Path.” Convergence 25, no. 5-6 (2019): 918-936.

Ryan, Malcolm, and Brigid Costello. “My friend scarlet: Interactive tragedy in the path.” Games and Culture 7, no. 2 (2012): 111-126.

Research that includes this game in its sample

Cohut, Maria. “The Gothic Landscape of Tale of Tales Games: Unresolved Quests for Meaning.” In New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic, pp. 24-38. Routledge, 2015.

Rughiniș, Cosima, Răzvan Rughiniș, and Elisabeta Toma. “Three shadowed dimensions of feminine presence in video games.” In Proceedings of 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG, vol. 13, no. 1. 2016.

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