Publications J

[Publication Type] Publication Name (Number of Research Items Associated with the Publication)

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[Journal] JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (2)

[Journal] JMIR Mental Health (1)

[Journal] Journal for Religion, Film, and Media (2)

[Journal] Journal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia (1)

[Journal] Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance (1)

[Journal] Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology (1)

[Journal] Journal of American Folklore (1)

[Journal] Journal of Art and Civilization of the Orient (1)

[Journal] Journal of Chinese Cinemas (1)

[Journal] Journal of Cognitive Enhancement (1)

[Journal] Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology (1)

[Journal] Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (1)

[Journal] Journal of Consumer Culture (1)

[Journal] Journal of Contemporary European Studies (1)

[Journal] Journal of Digital Convergence (1)

[Journal] Journal of Education (1)

[Journal] Journal of Educational Technology & Society (1)

[Journal] Journal of Financial Education (1)

[Journal] Journal of Games Criticism (1)

[Journal] Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds (20)

[Journal] Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching (1)

[Journal] Journal of Information Systems Education (1)

[Journal] Journal of Interactive Books (1)

[Journal] Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies (1)

[Journal] Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications (1)

[Journal] Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, The (1)

[Journal] Journal of Risk and Financial Management (1)

[Journal] Journal of Rural Studies (1)

[Journal] Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (1)

[Journal] Journal of Screenwriting (1)

[Journal] Journal of Sound and Music in Games (5)

[Journal] Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (1)

[Journal] Journal of Transformative Works and Cultures (1)

[Journal] Journal on Interactive Systems (1)

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