On 22 May 2014, a remastered version titled Metro 2033 Redux was announced, featuring updates to the 4A Engine from the development of the sequel, Metro: Last Light. This led to graphical changes such as improved lighting, animations, and particle effects, as well as dynamic weather. This also allowed gameplay changes from Last Light, including improved controls, combat, stealth mechanics, and artificial intelligence. This also added Last Light’s features to 2033, such as silent takedowns, customized weapons, and the ability to wipe gas masks. Wikipedia

Research exclusive to this game
Bishop, Chris. “Reading Antiquity in Metro Redux.” Games and Culture 15, no. 3 (2020): 308-327.
Zuanni, Chiara, and Sina Krottmaier. “Paradise Lost–and Found Again: METRO 2033, the Ghosts of the Past, Moral Choices, and Game Rewards.” Journal for Religion, Film and Media (JRFM) 9, no. 1 (2023): 133-153.
Research that includes this game in its sample
Cowen, André. “Wendigo, vampires and Lovecraft: Intertextual monstrosity and cultural otherness in video games.” Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 16, no. 1-2 (2023): 115-131.
Hoedt, Madelon. “The City and the Underground in Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light.” The New Urban Gothic: Global Gothic in the Age of the Anthropocene (2020): 113-130.
Other games in the franchise
Metro 2033 Redux (4)