Life Is Strange is a series of narrative adventure games published by Square Enix’s External Studios. Created by Dontnod Entertainment, the series debuted with the eponymous first installment, which was released in five episodes throughout 2015. Wikipedia

Research exclusive to this game
De Miranda, Luis. “Life Is Strange and “games are made”: A philosophical interpretation of a multiple-choice existential simulator with Copilot Sartre.” Games and Culture 13, no. 8 (2018): 825-842.
Knutson, Matt. “Backtrack, pause, rewind, reset: Queering chrononormativity in gaming.” Game Studies 18, no. 3 (2018): 1-15.
Research that includes this game in its sample
Butt, Mahli-Ann Rakkomkaew, and Daniel Dunne. “Rebel girls and consequence in life is strange and the walking dead.” Games and Culture 14, no. 4 (2019): 430-449.
Dechering, Anna, and Sander Bakkes. “Moral engagement in interactive narrative games: an exploratory study on ethical agency in the walking dead and life is strange.” In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, pp. 1-10. 2018.
Ehret, Christian, Emily Mannard, and Jen Scott Curwood. “How young adult videogames materialize senses of self through ludonarrative affects: understanding identity and embodiment through sociomaterial analysis.” Learning, Media and Technology 47, no. 3 (2022): 341-354.
Harkin, Stephanie. “The restoration of female friendship in Life is Strange and Night in the Woods.” In Love and electronic affection, pp. 111-129. CRC Press, 2020.
Nay, Jeff L., and José P. Zagal. “Meaning without consequence: virtue ethics and inconsequential choices in games.” In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, pp. 1-8. 2017.
Ordóñez-Olmedo, Eva, Sergio Albaladejo-Ortega, and Marta Pérez-Escolar. “Game-Based Learning for the Acquisition of Transversal Skills: Preventing and Addressing Hate Speech.” In Handbook of Research on Cross-Disciplinary Uses of Gamification in Organizations, pp. 355-380. IGI Global, 2022.