The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle is a 2014 puzzle video game developed by Croteam and published by Devolver Digital. It was simultaneously released on Linux, OS X and Windows in December 2014. It was released for Android in May 2015, for PlayStation 4 in October 2015, for iOS in October 2017, for Xbox One in August 2018, and Nintendo Switch in December 2019. Virtual reality-enabled versions for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive were released on 18 October 2017. A DLC entitled Road to Gehenna was released on 23 July 2015. Wikipedia

The Talos Principle
The Talos Principle

Research exclusive to this game

Mago, Zdenko. “Easter eggs in digital games as a form of textual transcendence (case study).” Acta Ludologica 2, no. 2 (2019): 48-57.

Tuckett, Jonathan. “The Talos Principle: Philosophical and Religious Anthropology.” Implicit religion 20, no. 3 (2017).

Research that includes this game in its sample

Atkinson, Andrew. “Virtually Sacred: Sacred Space, Ritual, and Narrative in Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and The Talos Principle.” The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 29, no. 1 (2017): 55-68.

Mitchell, Liam. “Damsels Who Distress: Gender and the Acousmatic Voice in Video Games.” Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 35, no. 2 (2020): 63-93.

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