Publications D

[Publication Type] Publication Name (Number of Research Items Associated with the Publication)

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[Book] Data Analytics Applications in Gaming and Entertainment (1)

[Book] Death, Culture & Leisure: Playing Dead (1)

[Journal] Dichtung Digital: Journal für Kunst und Kultur digitaler Medien (1)

[Journal] Diegesis (1)

[Book] Digital Black Atlantic, The (1)

[Book] Digital Cultures and the Politics of Emotion: Feelings, Affect, and Technological Change (1)

[Book] Digital Love: Romance and Sexuality in Videogames (1)

[Journal] Digital Translation (1)

[Book] Digital Virtual Consumption (1)

[Conference] DiGRA 2005, Proceedings of (1)

[Conference] DiGRA 2013, Proceedings of (3)

[Conference] DiGRA 2017, Proceedings of (2)

[Conference] DiGRA 2018, Proceedings of (4)

[Conference] DiGRA 2019, Proceedings of (1)

[Conference] DiGRA 2020, Proceedings of (5)

[Conference] DiGRA/FDG ’16 – Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG (5)

[Journal] Discourse, Context & Media (2)

[Journal] Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education (1)

[Journal] Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory (1)

[Journal] Divergence Press (1)

[Conference] DUXU 2016: International Conference of Design User Experience and Usability (1)

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