No Man’s Sky is an action-adventure survival game developed and published by Hello Games. It was released worldwide for the PlayStation 4 and Windows in August 2016, for Xbox One in July 2018, for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and Series S consoles in November 2020, for Nintendo Switch in October 2022, and for macOS in June 2023. The game is built around five pillars: exploration, survival, combat, trading and base building. Wikipedia

Research exclusive to this game
Carpenter, Justin. “The Aesthetics of Human-Machine Interaction: Generative Textuality in Hello Games’s No Man’s Sky.” Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 9, no. 2 (2022): 173-190.
Catherine, Flick, Dennis L. Meghan, and Reinhard Andrew. “Exploring simulated game worlds: Ethics in the No Man’s Sky Archaeological Survey.” The ORBIT Journal 1, no. 2 (2017): 1-13.
Lu, Chien, Xiaozhou Li, Timo Nummenmaa, Zheying Zhang, and Jaakko Peltonen. “Patches and Player Community Perceptions: Analysis of No Man’s Sky Steam Reviews.” In DiGRA’20-Proceedings of the 2020 DiGRA International Conference. DiGRA, 2020.
Reinhard, Andrew. “Archeology of Abandoned Human Settlements in No Man’s Sky: A New Approach to Recording and Preserving User-Generated Content in Digital Games.” Games and Culture 16, no. 7 (2021): 855-884.
Saklofske, Jon. “To the Center of Nowhere: Deep Mapping Digital Games’ Paratextual Geographies.” Games and Culture (2023): 15554120231167017.
Santos, Diogo, Nelson Zagalo, and Carla Morais. “Players Perception of the Chemistry in the Video Game No Man’s Sky.” Simulation & Gaming 54, no. 3 (2023): 375-394.
Tait, Emma R., and Ingrid L. Nelson. “Nonscalability and generating digital outer space natures in No Man’s Sky.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 5, no. 2 (2022): 694-718.
Research that includes this game in its sample
Information coming soon.