Contradiction: Spot the Liar!

Contradiction: Spot the Liar!, also known as Contradiction: The All-Video Murder Mystery Adventure or just Contradiction is an FMV game developed by video game music composer Tim Follin through Kickstarter crowdfunding with production company Baggy Cat and released through Apple Inc.’s iOS App Store and Mac App Store on January 14, 2015 and Steam on July 10, 2015. The game follows the investigation of Detective Inspector Frederick Jenks into the apparent suicide of Kate Vine in the small village of Edenton. It is the final live action performance of actor Paul Darrow. Wikipedia

Contradiction: Spot the Liar!
Contradiction: Spot the Liar!

Research exclusive to this game

Information coming soon.

Research that includes this game in its sample

van de Ven, Inge. “It’s Not a Game! Rules of Notice and Hermeneutics of Suspicion in Contemporary FMV Games.” Games and Culture (2023): 15554120231161180.

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