Darkest Dungeon is a roguelike role-playing video game developed and published by Red Hook Studios. The game was first released for Microsoft Windows and OS X in January 2016, which followed a year-long early access development period. Later that year, it was released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Linux, with a port for iOS being released in 2017, and ports for Nintendo Switch and Xbox One being released by 2018. Wikipedia

Research exclusive to this game
Cartlidge, James. “Becoming Afflicted, Becoming Virtuous: Darkest Dungeon and the Human Response to Stress.” Games and Culture 18, no. 2 (2023): 170-188.
Research that includes this game in its sample
Gowler, Chad Phoenix Rose, and Ioanna Iacovides. “” Horror, guilt and shame”–Uncomfortable Experiences in Digital Games.” In Proceedings of the annual symposium on computer-human interaction in play, pp. 325-337. 2019.
Günal, Serenay, and Colleen Kennedy-Karpat. “Authorship Discourse and Lovecraftian Video Games.” In The Medial Afterlives of HP Lovecraft: Comic, Film, Podcast, TV, Games, pp. 295-314. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Staines, Dan, Mia Consalvo, Adam Stangeby, and Sâmia Pedraça. “State of play: Video games and moral engagement.” Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 11, no. 3 (2019): 271-288.