Tom Clancy’s The Division

Tom Clancy’s The Division is an online-only action role-playing video game developed by Massive Entertainment and published in 2016 by Ubisoft, for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One. It is set in a near future New York City in the aftermath of a viral pandemic; the player, a Special Agent of the Strategic Homeland Division, is tasked with helping the group rebuild its operations in Manhattan, investigate the nature of the outbreak, and combat criminal activity in its wake. The Division is structured with elements of role-playing games, as well as cooperative and player versus player online multiplayer. This game also marks the debut of Massive and Ubisoft’s Snowdrop game engine. Wikipedia

Tom Clancy's The Division
Tom Clancy’s The Division

Research exclusive to this game

Canossa, Alessandro, Sasha Makarovych, Julian Togelius, and Anders Drachenn. “Like a DNA string: Sequence-based player profiling in Tom Clancy’s the Division.” In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 152-158. 2018.

Canossa, Alessandro, and Casper Harteveld. “Social network analysis applied to game communities to identify key social players.” Data Analytics Applications in Gaming and Entertainment (2019): 169-182.

Canossa, Alessandro, Ahmad Azadvar, Casper Harteveld, Anders Drachen, and Sebastian Deterding. “Influencers in multiplayer online shooters: Evidence of social contagion in playtime and social play.” In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, pp. 1-12. 2019.

Melhart, David, Ahmad Azadvar, Alessandro Canossa, Antonios Liapis, and Georgios N. Yannakakis. “Your gameplay says it all: Modelling motivation in tom clancy’s the division.” In 2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2019.

Rohani, Nima Sharafi, and Ikhwan Kim. “Urban Design Analysis of New York City’s Virtual Model – The Case of Tom Clancy’s The Division.” Architecture and Planning Journal (APJ) 28, no. 3 (2023): 37.

Research that includes this game in its sample

Allart, Thibault, Guillaume Levieux, Michel Pierfitte, Agathe Guilloux, and Stéphane Natkin. “Difficulty influence on motivation over time in video games using survival analysis.” In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, pp. 1-6. 2017.

Other games in the franchise

Tom Clancy’s The Division (6)

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 (3)

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