
Shenmue is an action-adventure game series created, produced and directed by Yu Suzuki. Shenmue (1999) and Shenmue II (2001) were developed by Sega AM2 and published by Sega for Dreamcast. Shenmue III, developed by Suzuki’s company Ys Net, was released for PlayStation 4 and Windows in 2019. Wikipedia


Research exclusive to this game

Ramírez-Moreno, Carlos, and Dale Leorke. “Promoting Yokosuka through videogame tourism: the shenmue sacred spot guide map.” In Games and play in the creative, smart and ecological city. Taylor & Francis, 2021.

Research that includes this game in its sample

Lolli, Dario. “‘The fate of Shenmue is in your hands now!’: Kickstarter, video games and the financialization of crowdfunding.” Convergence 25, no. 5-6 (2019): 985-999.

Other games in the franchise

Shenmue (2)

Shenmue II (3)

Shenmue III (1)

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