Metal Gear Solid is an action-adventure stealth video game developed and published by Konami for the PlayStation in 1998. It was directed, produced, and written by Hideo Kojima, and follows the MSX2 video games Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, which Kojima also worked on. It was unveiled at the 1996 Tokyo Game Show and then demonstrated at trade shows including the 1997 Electronic Entertainment Expo; its Japanese release was originally planned for late 1997, before being delayed to 1998. Wikipedia
Research exclusive to this game
McLoughlin, John. “Mask of the Translator: Walter Benjamin and Metal Gear Solid’s Difficult Relationship with Localization.” Games and Culture 17, no. 7-8 (2022): 1036-1053.
Stamenković, Dušan, Milan Jaćević, and Janina Wildfeuer. “The persuasive aims of Metal Gear Solid: A discourse theoretical approach to the study of argumentation in video games.” Discourse, Context & Media 15 (2017): 11-23.
Research that includes this game in its sample
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