Final Fantasy VI, also known as Final Fantasy III from its initial North American release, is a 1994 role-playing video game developed and published by Square for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the sixth main entry in the Final Fantasy series, and the first to be directed by someone other than series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi; the role was instead filled by Yoshinori Kitase and Hiroyuki Ito. Wikipedia
Research exclusive to this game
Thompson, Ryan. “Operatic conventions and expectations in Final Fantasy VI.” In Music in the Role-Playing Game, pp. 117-128. Routledge, 2019.
Research that includes this game in its sample
Anatone, Richard. “Leitmotivic Strategies in Nobuo Uematsu’s Final Fantasy Soundtracks.” Music Theory Spectrum (2023): mtad009.
Other games in the franchise
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (2)
Final Fantasy IV (3)
Final Fantasy IX (2)
Final Fantasy VI (2)
Final Fantasy XI (4)