Fez is a 2012 indie puzzle-platform game developed by Polytron Corporation and published by Trapdoor. The player-character Gomez receives a fez that reveals his two-dimensional (2D) world to be one of four sides of a three-dimensional (3D) world. The player rotates between these four 2D views to realign platforms and solve puzzles. The objective is to collect cubes and cube fragments to restore order to the universe. Wikipedia

Research exclusive to this game
Enns, Mack. “Game Scoring: FEZ, Video Game Music and Interactive Composition.” KES Transactions on Innovation in Music: Vol 1 No 1 Special Edition – Innovation in Music 2013: pp.79-93. 2014.
Nipo, Daniel, David Gadelha, Mirian da Silva, and Andiara Lopes. “Game-Based Learning: Possibilities of an Instrumental Approach to the FEZ Game for the Teaching of the Orthographic Drawings System Concepts.” Journal on Interactive Systems 14, no. 1 (2023): 231-243.
Research that includes this game in its sample
Atkinson, Andrew. “Virtually Sacred: Sacred Space, Ritual, and Narrative in Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and The Talos Principle.” The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 29, no. 1 (2017): 55-68.