Bury me, my Love tells Nour’s story as she flees Syria and tries to reach Europe. But why did the young woman decide to leave? Find out and get a preview of Bury me, my Love by testing the story’s prologue, Nour’s Choice, for free. Official Website

Research exclusive to this game
Jayemanne, Darshana. “Chronotypology: A comparative method for analyzing game time.” Games and Culture 15, no. 7 (2020): 809-824.
Research that includes this game in its sample
Chen, Lei, David Dowling, and Christopher Goetz. “At the nexus of ludology and narratology: Advances in reality-based story-driven games.” F1000Research 12 (2023).
Gabriel, Sonja. “Serious Games Focussing on Migration: Which Political Messages do They Convey?.” In ECGBL 2021 15th European Conference on Game-Based Learning, p. 253. Academic Conferences Limited, 2021.
Jayemanne, Darshana. “Ethical temporality: Refiguring time as political speech in 13 minutes and Bury Me, My Love.” In Philosophy of Computer Games Conference. 2018.
Kagen, Melissa. “Glory to Trumpland! Critically Playing Border Games.” gamevironments 11 (2019): 23-64.
McMillan, Robyn, Darshana Jayemanne, and Iain Donald. “Reality inspired games: expanding the lens of games’ claims to authenticity.” In DiGRA 2020: Play everywhere. DiGRA, 2020.
Navarro-Remesal, Victor, and Beatriz Pérez Zapata. “First-person refugee games: Ludonarrative strategies for playing the stories of refugees and asylum seekers.” In International Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts, pp. 3-17. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Ordóñez-Olmedo, Eva, Sergio Albaladejo-Ortega, and Marta Pérez-Escolar. “Game-Based Learning for the Acquisition of Transversal Skills: Preventing and Addressing Hate Speech.” In Handbook of Research on Cross-Disciplinary Uses of Gamification in Organizations, pp. 355-380. IGI Global, 2022.