
BioShock is a 2007 first-person shooter game developed by 2K Boston (later Irrational Games) and 2K Australia, and published by 2K. The first game in the BioShock series, it was released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 platforms in August 2007; a PlayStation 3 port by Irrational, 2K Marin, 2K Australia and Digital Extremes was released in October 2008. Wikipedia


Research exclusive to this game

Aldred, Jessica, and Brian Greenspan. “A man chooses, a slave obeys: BioShock and the dystopian logic of convergence.” Games and Culture 6, no. 5 (2011): 479-496.

Gibbons, William. “Wrap your troubles in dreams: Popular music, narrative, and dystopia in Bioshock.” Game Studies 11, no. 3 (2011): 3-4.

Packer, Joseph. “The battle for Galt’s Gulch: Bioshock as critique of Objectivism.” Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 2, no. 3 (2010): 209-224.

Schmeink, Lars. “Dystopia, alternate history and the posthuman in Bioshock.” Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 10 (2009).

Tavinor, Grant. “Bioshock and the Art of Rapture.” Philosophy and Literature 33, no. 1 (2009): 91-106.

Research that includes this game in its sample

Ante-Contreras, Daniel. “Bioshock’s paranoid states: The gamer within a history of white male victimization.” Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 7, no. 3 (2015): 225-241.

Bosman, Frank G. “‘The Lamb of Comstock’. Dystopia and Religion in Video Games.” Online-Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet 5 (2014).

Mitchell, Liam. “Damsels Who Distress: Gender and the Acousmatic Voice in Video Games.” Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 35, no. 2 (2020): 63-93.

Parker, Felan. “Canonizing Bioshock: Cultural value and the prestige game.” Games and Culture 12, no. 7-8 (2017): 739-763.

Rautalahti, Heidi. “Video games facilitating discussions of good and bad religion.” Online-Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet 13 (2018): 56-78.

Other games in the franchise

BioShock (10)

BioShock 2 (2)

BioShock Infinite (8)

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