Night in the Woods is a 2017 single-player adventure video game developed by Infinite Fall and published by Finji. The game was funded via Kickstarter, where it earned over 400% of its initial US$50,000 funding goal. It is a story-focused exploration game in which the player follows a young woman named Mae Borowski, who recently dropped out of college and has returned to her hometown to find unexpected changes. Wikipedia

Research exclusive to this game
Caravella, Elizabeth. “Procedural Ethics and a Night in the Woods.” The Ethics of Playing, Researching, and Teaching Games in the Writing Classroom (2021): 97-113.
Fiorilli, Patrick. “Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Gods: Reading Night in the Woods through Mark Fisher.” Game Studies 22, no. 1 (2022).
Research that includes this game in its sample
Harkin, Stephanie. “The restoration of female friendship in Life is Strange and Night in the Woods.” In Love and electronic affection, pp. 111-129. CRC Press, 2020.
Veale, Kevin. ““If anyone’s going to ruin your night, it should be you”: Responsibility and affective materiality in Undertale and Night in the Woods.” Convergence 28, no. 2 (2022): 451-467.